
  CHAPTER ONE   1.0      INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY This research work is on the importance of expediting to an organisation. Expediting which can also be referred to as hastening can bee defined as a process of reminding a supplier, producer, or distributor as the case may be that he should do every thing he can do to deliver supply, make available, whole or substantial part of the goods or service ordered on the date and the time agreed to enable the purchaser/ buyer take possession of delivery of such goods or service.   Expediting is a follow-up of the order placed to ensure prompt delivery. It is the post-ordering of the buying activity.    The progressing activity in most organisations may be carried out by the use of either internal staff or by external consultants. The internal progressing is a process concerned with ensuring that actual production activities are carried out in accordance with the original plans being made in programmes and schedules of the production control department. The aim is to ensure that material are made available for production purpose at all time without interruption. The external processing is concerned with an order follow-up for order placed with supplier and they are extended to the buying firm itself. The aim is to ensure that the quantity and delivery requirement are satisfactorily met.   1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.  Most of the problems encountered by most organisations are their inability to have good purchaser because most of the producers don’t have the necessary qualification or experience to appoint to such position.  In the area of inventory, if  the inventory system of both the buyer and supplier are not adequate i.e. there are insufficient storage facility and inappropriate storage method it will hinder effective expediting because both the buyer and supplier have to ensure that there are enough material handling equipment like fork lift, cranes, tractor, etc. that are used in many procurement department to facilitate material delivery.  Lack of communication a times between the purchaser and the supplier is another main factor that hinder expediting because the purchaser have to get the supplier well informed about the plan of the production, he should be able to ensure that the information is given to the supplier on time to help him plan his own production in line with the expected lead time.  In the aspect of transportation most supplier don’t inform the purchaser of the problems and difficulties envisaged in meeting the expected time of delivery.  These are the researcher finding on the problems affecting the importance of expediting in an organisation.   1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY  For many years, the importance of expediting to an organisation has been ignored and as a result has caused the collapse and low profit making of an organisation in respect of these, this research work try to highlight the objective of this study. This research work would be used as a fulfilment of the award of national diploma(ND) and the readers to be able to capture in detail the importance of expediting to an organisation and how effective expediting function could be of help to an organisation.   1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY  It was not easy to gather all the information and data required for this project, due to insufficient time given by the school authority, the examination and the semester was too short and useful writing materials were not made available at the town library.   1.5 THE RELEVANCE OF THE STUDY  The importance of expediting to an organisation is of great importance to the success of any organisation. It will enable the home, industries and other organisation to understand the need for expediting in an organisation. It is necessary first to find out which category of order should qualify the expediting action. The relevance of this study to me as a researcher are: 1. this study will enlarge the existing literature on the importance of expediting for various readers and users of this work 2 .It is a fulfilment of the award of national diploma at this level 3 .It will enable an organisation to know how to expedite effectively and show a means of preventing delay in supplying material. 4. It will enable the user of this research work or any organisation to know he relevance of good and effective expediting to an organisation 5. This research work has enabled the researcher to know how good expediting can boost the profit of an organisation   1.6 LIMITATIONOF THE STUDY  The research work was carried out within limits i.e. through the use of various text books. It was not easy to get the various information required for this project because the text books available at the town library and school library were not useful as they have little or no information on the project topic ‘’ the importance of expediting to an organisation ‘’. There is also the problem of financial constraints because the amount involved in going to cities with good library i.e. Lagos, Enugu, e.t.c. cannot be afforded by the researcher as the researcher has to make use of the available little resources to meet one or two need.  The time factor available was too short as there was no much time given by the school authority because of the NIPOSSGA game going on in the school.   1.7 DEFINITION OF TERMS. Expedite- It is a follow –up of the order placed to ensure prompt delivery. It is the post-ordering phase of the buying activity. It can also be known as the hastening of purchasing. Envisaged- Having a picture of something that is not yet in existence. If early warning are given of problems or difficulties of envisaged in meeting the expected time of delivery. Fiscal year- The financial year or a period of time not exceeding one year. Prerequisite- Something required before something else can be done. Syndrome- A combination of signs, symptoms, etc. characteristics of a specified condition  . Get the Complete Project Material Now!!!

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