Of all the
plant on which man has depended for his food, cereal grains are by far the most
important. Since recorded history,
cereals grains are the seed by cultivated grasses that include wheat, corn,
0at, barley, rye, rice, sorghum and millet.
There are a number of reasons why
cereals have been important in man’s diet.
They can be grown in areas with diverse climatic and soil
conditions. They give yield peracre
(0.4ha) as compared to most other crops and once harvested, their excellent
storage stability combined with their high nutritive valuers make them most
suitable for storage.
They are easy to be packaged and
transported and can be used to produce a large variety of high desirable foods
both for man and animals.
Cereal grains are the most important
source of the world’s total food. The
grains are eaten in many ways, sometimes as a paste or other preparation of the
seeds more often milled and further processed into flour, starch, oil, bran,
syrup, sugar, etc. They are also used to
feed the animals that provide us with meat, eggs, millet, butter, cheese and a
host of other foods. Cereals grains are
preserved in ways which make them to last long for processing.
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