Generally, literature review means the review of the works
of several authors, thinkers, philosophers, writers, commentators, who have
written books on the same problem areas. The purpose of literature review is,
to provide a theoretical perspective for the research work. For the purpose of
this research work therefore, the works of several authors will be reviewed.
The concepts to be reviewed in those works including concepts like gender
inequality, women and development, women and education in Nigeria, women and
political participation, marginalization of women in power and the theory of sexism
including its major proponents and tenets. 2.2 Gender
Inequality Gender Inequality often stern from social structures that
have institutionalized conceptions of gender differences. Cultural stereotypes
are possible are possible explanations for gender inequality and the resulting
gender disparity. According to Margaret M. (1982), in her article written on
the analysis on gender and the society, women have been traditionally are
designated to occupations which requires such skills. While these skills are
culturally valued, they were typically associated with domesticity. Therefore,
occupation requiring these skills is not economically valued. Men have been
traditionally viewed as “bread winners†or the workers, so jobs held by men
have been historically and economically value and paid higher wages. Gender
inequality can further be understood through the mechanism of sexism. Margaret
M. further said in the article on society and gender argued that discrimination
takes place in this manner as men and women are subjected to prejudicial
treatment based on gender alone. Evermore, she is of the opinion that, sexism
occurs when men and women are subject to prejudicial treatment based on gender
alone. Sexism occurs when men and women are framed with two dimension of social
cognition. Benevolent sexism takes place when women are viewed as possessing
low degree of competency and high degree of warmth. Although this is the result
of a more positive stereotype of women, this still contribute to gender
inequality as the stereotype is only applied to women who only conform to the
caring and nurturing stereotypes, with the remaining women still been
discriminated against as they are not viewed in the positive light. In
addition, this form of sexism has negative effects as well as these notions of
women, which includes the idea that women are weak and in need of protection
from the men. Hostile Sexism takes place when women are viewed as having high
level of competence but low degree of warmth. This form of sexism is framed as
an antagonistic attitude towards women and occurs, as women are perceived to be
attempting to control men, either through sexual seduction or through feminist
ideology. Discrimination also plays out with networking and in preferential
treatment within the economic market. Men typically occupy positions of power
within the job economy. Due to taste or preference for other men because they
share similar characteristics, men in this position of power are more likely to
have and promote other men, thus discrimination against women. Kurts in Ebere
(2003), believes that “gender has to do with social complex relationship
between males and females in the society as well as the power and economic
differential associated with them. Inequality has to do with social factors in
the society. It with deals with activities that are appropriate for males and
females and what rights, resources and powers have inequality is a form of
discrimination against the female folk. It is inadequate participation of women
in developmental issues and decision making process. According to Bukoye
(2007), that gender discrimination is any distinction and exclusion made on the
basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the
recognition, employment or exercise by women irrespective of their marital
status. According to Colemen (1987), Gender Inequality or discrimination remain
pervasive in many dimensions of life worldwide. This is so, despite
considerable advances in gender equality in recent decades. The nature and
extent of the discrimination very considerably across countries and regions,
but the patterns are striking.
In no region of the developing world are women equal to men
in legal, social and economic rights. Gender gaps are widespread in access to
and control of resources in economic opportunities, in power and political
voice. This has dealt a deadly blow to development. Women who are intelligent
are resourceful are relegated to the background simply because of age-long
tradition and culture. What this means is that these women cannot contribute
their own quota to development.
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