Effect of corporate financing on Shareholders wealth; CHM



Introduction Corporate financing refers to the way a corporation finances its assets or future investment. It could also be seen as he various sources of fund available to corporation in time of investment. Raising capital through security (a source of fund) offerings is an important event in the financial pattern of listed corporation. The different use of the various sources of fund and their effect on firm value varies from country to country due to the differences in financial systems and institutional factors. According to Brealy and Myers (2002), companies faces two basic financing decisions: how much profit should be ploughed back into the business rather paid out as dividends? What proportion of the deficit should be financed by borrowing rather than an issue of equity? These along with trade payables are the central corporate financing decisions for each and every firm. Companies can raise capital internally by retaining earnings or trade payables and externally from the capital market. The two principal external sources of raising capital are equity and debt. These comes from either private sources like bank loans and private placements or public sources like issuing new securities in domestic and foreign capital markets. The analysis of bank loans, private replacements, and investigation of securities offerings to the public has been a fascinating area of academic research in corporate finance. By deciding to issue to issue one or another type of security, firms are constantly changing its capital structure.  Several studies examine the impact or effect on shareholders wealth when changes in capital structure take place due to issuance of equities and debts. Ross, Westfield and Jaffe (2002) note the following: “it seems reasonable to believe that new long-term financing is arranged by firms after positive net present value projects are put together. As a consequence, when the announcement of external financing is made, the firm market value should go up (p.543)” The empirical evidence, on the other hand, demonstrates a decline in share price at the announcement of common stock and convertible bond offering, and an insignificant stock price movement at the announcement of straight debt. The analysis of the reason of this seemingly anomalous empirical result has been a constant source of scientific research. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the valuation effect of corporate financing (decisions) on shareholders wealth by examining the various sources of financing available to a firm, their features and relate the effect with several theoretical explanations put forward to explain to explain firms financing decisions.                

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