ABSTRACTSo many electronic circuits use
one form of oscillator or the other each characterized by their frequencies of
oscillation. Hence the need for a portable device which can count the number of
oscillations for any waveform and output the corresponding value on a display.
This device is always referred to as a frequency counter or meter. The
main process of this research is to display the frequency ranges of input
frequency. Any desired input frequency from 10Hz to 30 MHz can be counted and
displayed using Peripheral Interfacing Controller (PIC) 16f84A and seven digits
of Seven Segment Light emitting diodes (LED) display. The input frequency is
counted by PIC16F84A and the output from this PIC pins are decoded by analog
multiplexer, 4051 Integrated Circuit (IC). Seven digits are displayed by
passing seven NPN Bipolar Junction transistors (BJT), BC547. Get the Complete Project Material Now!!!
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