Sourcing can be classified in many ways thus:
single sourcing, multiple sourcing. Single sourcing involves having one
supplier who will meet the buyer’s requirements by delivery schedule is made
easier, quality control since there is only one supplier, personal relationship
can be more easily established thus, making communication more effective.
Another one is multiple sourcing which is seen as
a situation in which the buyer may choose to
buy from more than one source, it means several sources of supply. Hence
there are many advantages of multiple sourcing like competitive pressure, it
provides alternative sources in the event of supply stoppages. It enhances
supplier’s appraisal. Direct access to comparable data from competitors greatly
simplifies the task of suppliers monitoring and appraisal.
The project work has been divided into four
Chapter one deals with the introduction of the
Chapter two is a review of related literature on
searching out of supplier’s selection of supplier and selection of sourcing
The next chapter three outlines the procedures
and methods used in gathering data.
While chapter four which is the last chapter
deals with conclusion, summary and recommendation.
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