In many organization, no matter how small, no
management will waste time and effort in making arrangement for the supply of
the wrong quality goods.
The term “total quality determination†originated
in the united state in the mid to rate 1950’s (Hutchims, 1992) the first
reference to the term appeared in an article by Dr. A.V. fregenbawn and again
in his “total quality determination†engineering and management (1961). Total
quality determination as perceived by
American gurns has its origins in mass production
and taylorism. At the time taylor styre
management was at its Chimax In
the united sate and unchallenged even by the behavioral scientist, quality determination
as a science has its root in the origins
of mass production, notably in the ford motor company.
Total quality today is markedly different from
any thing envisaged by its American pioneers. Quality systems have been
involving rapidly in recent years. Over the past twenty years, simple
inspection activities have been replaced or supplemented by quality
Quality assurance has along side been developed
and refined, and the most progressive companies are now working towards quality
determination. This is as a result of: (Nan organization becoming aware that
complying with the requirements of a particular quality system is not necessarily a sure-fire guarantee
against producing and delivery non-conformed products to the customer. A
quality assurance system does not necessarily, of itself encourage a continual
improvement approach to quality. It may mean only that an purchasing
organization has procedure in place.
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